At Walton-le-Dale High school, as part of our behaviour curriculum, students need to be safe.


Moving around school

When moving around school, your child should walk sensibly along the corridors. 

Staff will be present on corridors to ensure your child will be safe moving around school. 

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We expect all students to show a level of maturity when moving from lesson to lesson. 


Caring for your school

All students are expected to respect the school the environment. They should care for the school building and all of its contents. Understand that any deliberate damage to school or property is vandalism and will not be tolerated at WLD.  


Breaks and Lunches

Your child should line up sensibly for break and lunch and all students to expected to clear up after themselves after eating. 

Toilets can be used at break time and lunch times. 


Mobile phones

The use of mobile phones on site is not permitted. They should be turned off and out of sight at all times. Know that in any case of an emergency, you may contact the school landline on 01772 335726.

If your child needs to contact you in case of an emergency, they should seek a member of staff. 

You will find our mobile phone policy here.